8. VDI Conference 2024

This year’s VDI conference “Legionella from cooling plants” will focus on practical experience in hygienically safe operation of cooling plants. Among other themes, concepts for treatment, water data management as well as analysis options of aerosols will be discussed.

In the presentation “Biological cleaning as an alternative to biocides in cooling plants” our specialists Dr. Kerstin Keppler, Head of Laboratory Microbiology and Dr. Dominik Stumm, Head of R&D PEC will be sharing their practical experience on this topic. In addition to the expert presentation, Dr. Keppler will be co-moderating an exchange of experiences among operators and experts of cooling plants.

Hans-Jürgen Fillips is looking forward to your visit at our stand. As head of our newly founded business unit Industrial Water Treatment (IWT), he will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about our green alternative product Waropure® and the possibility of biological purification of water circuits. In a ‘speed lecture’ Hans-Jürgen Fillips will present the various Waropure® products of our portfolio.

Your Wöllner Team

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